Principal and staff profiles

Welcome from our Principal

Mr Jason Sheehy, School Principal

As the Principal of Department Primary School, I’d like to welcome you to our friendly school community. Here, we all work together to make sure our school is as supportive of student learning and development as possible.

I’m excited to lead this school because of its reputation for community involvement and its commitment to learning outcomes. I also get to work with a great team who are just as motivated as I am in promoting positive behaviour in the classroom.

I’m passionate about making sure every child has the opportunity to succeed. I make sure we can adapt and evolve our approach to teaching. We embrace technology and allow students to explore emerging fields within their learning.

I encourage discussion and feedback to make sure we’re meeting your child’s needs.

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Meet our leadership staff

Meet our leadership staff

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Stacey Stafford

Senior Leader of STEM

Stacey supports students in their transition to high school. She works with teachers, school services officers (SSO) and students to raise the profile of STEM subjects. Stacey runs the Science Says Program to develop students’ scientific thinking.

Stacey Stafford , Senior Leader of STEM

Stacey supports students in their transition to high school. She works with teachers, school services officers (SSO) and students to raise the profile of STEM subjects. Stacey runs the Science Says Program to develop students’ scientific thinking.

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Stan Staffley

Mathematics Coach

Stan has a love of mathematics that he encourages in his students. He was a teacher for over 20 years before specialising as a coach, where he now works with staff on Mathematics best practice.

Stan Staffley, Mathematics Coach

Stan has a love of mathematics that he encourages in his students. He was a teacher for over 20 years before specialising as a coach, where he now works with staff on Mathematics best practice.

Teaching staff

Year 2 teacher

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Year 3 teacher

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Year 4 teacher

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Support staff


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